Coming south on Route 3/Pilgrims Highway take exit 18 (old exit 9) and take Route 3A/Main Street toward Plymouth. Main Street will turn into Court Street; Zion is located on the right side of the street at number 384 (by Jefe's Tacos).
Coming north on Route 3/Pilgrims Highway take exit 15 (old exit 6) and turn right onto Samoset Street. Continue on Samoset until you get to the intersection with Court Street in downtown Plymouth, and turn left at the light. Continue on Court Street for 1.7 miles until you see the church on the left.
Take the commuter rail to the Plymouth station. Walk away from the water toward Court Street, cross the street at the light, and turn right. You will be able to see the church (the big white building) on the left side.
You will find an elevator to the right and two sets of stairs - downstairs is the fellowship hall (including two wheelchair accessible bathrooms) to the left, and the offices, another bathroom, the children's room, and the food pantry to the right.
Upstairs, turn right to the sanctuary / Sunday morning worship space, and left to the Loring Library and Sunday afternoon worship space, with an additional two bathrooms.
When you arrive for Sunday morning worship, head upstairs and walk into the sanctuary to the right and find a seat! Some people might chat with you; we are excited to see you and want to make you feel welcome, but if you would rather take in the building and get used to the space we will understand, and would be happy to point out certain things if you would like.
We usually ring the bells at 9:55 and begin worship right at 10:00 a.m., but please do feel free to come in if you are a few minutes late - we know it can be a little awkward to walk in at the front of the sanctuary, but we are simply happy that you are there and will not mind if you make noise while you get settled. That is why we have microphones! Take your time to get comfortable, and know that you are welcome.
Most of the worship service is shown on slides at the pulpit, with some page numbers supplied that refer to the bright red books in your pew. At the beginning of the service, the pastor will share a few announcements (some members might add to those announcements), and sit in the front pew for the prelude. After leading the confession and forgiveness, the pastor and worship assistant walk up to the chancel space, where they stay for most of the service.
We stand up and sit down for prayers, hymns, and the Gospel reading—as we are able. It is acceptable to remain seated. We share a sign of the peace with each other after the sermon and hymn of the day, and process to the front to receive communion. Communion will be brought to you if you have mobility issues.
In addition to our regular hymns (for which the numbers are shown on slides and correspond to the hymn number in the red book) we also sing some chant-like versions of the liturgy; the page numbers for those are also shown on slides (note that for the Kyrie and communion liturgy the numbers refer to the page in the front of the hymnal, not the hymn number).
If you do not feel comfortable singing, if you do not know the hymns yet, or if you enjoy listening to the music, please do not feel pressured to sing - simply listening is just as meditative and prayerful as singing. The same goes for communion as well; we try to offer alcohol- and gluten-free options for communion, but if you would like to only take one of the elements to be sure that you do not trigger an addiction or allergy please know that taking either wine/juice or bread is just as valid as taking both, and if you decide to forgo both, you are just as blessed and beloved by God as someone who does take communion.
At the close of the service, after the worship assistant has sent us out with "Go with God into a weary world. Share the Good News" (or similar words) and we answer, "Thanks be to God!" we usually hear the postlude played as we gather our coats and belongings and greet each other. The pastor and worship assistant leave the sanctuary and wait to greet you as you exit the worship space; you are free to shake their hand, fist bump, or wave, and to chat with them for as little or long as you like.
If you have questions for either the pastor or assisting minister that might take longer to answer, they will also join coffee hour downstairs after taking off their worship clothes. At coffee hour (which we have most Sundays after church) we gather around the round tables in the downstairs part of our building (feel free to follow other members down the stairs) and share cookies, small snack bags, fruit cups, coffee (we have regular and decaf coffee), and conversation. Feel free to stay for as short or as long a time as you like.
If you are experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, please call 911. If you are experiencing an emergency and do not feel comfortable calling 911, please call 508-746-3041 and we will support you.
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1-800-273-8255 (in Spanish: 1-866-628-9454; for deaf and hard of hearing people: 1-800-799-4889; for veterans: 1-800-273-8255; after disasters: 1-800-985-5990)
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