
Traditional Worship

Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday morning worship is open to all, regardless of faith background. To get a sense for what worship is like at Zion take a look at a previous service on YouTube.

Sunday, February 16


Sunday, February 16

All Are Welcome

As a congregation of ELCA, all are welcome to fully participate in our community. We are also members of the New England Synod which is a Reconciling in Christ synod and welcome you as you are.

While many of us share gifts with God and one another through Zion, you are not expected to make an offering while worshipping with us.

Additionally, all are welcome to come to worship dressed as you feel most comfortable. God sees and loves you as you are, and we want you to enjoy your time praising and worshiping God with us.


Our building is accessible through an elevator that reaches all three floors (the lower level with offices, food pantry, fellowship hall, and two accessible bathrooms, the ground level to the parking lot, and the upper level with sanctuary, community space, and library).

We livestream on YouTube, where you can turn on subtitles and adjust the volume and speed of the playback. If you need the speakers to slow down, feel free to worship with us from home and adjust the playback speed on the video, and if a faster rate of speech is important for your focus, you can tune in later in the day and speed up the recording.

Worship as a Family
We welcome children moving around and making noise during the service! We also have a children's space downstairs between the office and the food pantry, and children and families are welcome to play there or take some toys up to the sanctuary. All ages are invited to participate in the life of the congregation as acolytes, worship assistants, readers, etc.

Make a Gift

Weekly E-mail

In crisis?

Emergency Contacts

If you are experiencing a medical or mental health emergency, please call 911. If you are experiencing an emergency and do not feel comfortable calling 911, please call 508-746-3041 and we will support you.

Trans Lifeline


Crisis Text Line

text HOME to 741741

Teen Line

800-852-8336 (3-7 p.m. EST)/text TEEN to 839863 (3-6 p.m. EST)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

1-800-273-8255 (in Spanish: 1-866-628-9454; for deaf and hard of hearing people: 1-800-799-4889; for veterans: 1-800-273-8255; after disasters: 1-800-985-5990)

New Hope, Inc. (for survivors of domestic violence)


The Network/La Red (for LGBTQIA+ people who are survivors of intimate partner violence)


Boston Area Rape Crisis Center


SafeLink (for anyone affected by domestic/dating violence)


The Trevor Project (crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LTBTQIA+ youth)


See this website for more information:

MA Crisis Hotlines

© Zion Evangelical
Lutheran Church
A congregation of the New England Synod, ELCA.
All rights reserved.